Monday, June 28, 2010

makefile 무엇일까

리눅스에서 수동으로 소스코드들을 컴파일 할때 Make를 많이 쓴다. 그럼 Make명령어를 위한 Makefile은 과연 무엇일까? 다음 아래 링크에 친절하게 설명되어 있다.

TPC/IP socket programming

C 언어를 급하게 마치고 저자 윤성우님의 팬이 되어서 윤성우님의 TCP/IP 프로그래밍을 공부하기로 마음 먹었다. 이제 TCP/IP 프로그래밍 시작!

Whole-Genome Sequencing Breaks the Cost Barrier

Someday I talked with my superior about direction of NGS and its affection to daily life on lunch break. I just told what I have previously from conversation with Keum( Maybe because of this, today morning suddenly my superior gave me a paper which is about trend of WGS. Anyhow I will summarize this one in this writing. The paper was published on June 11, 2010 in Cell .

Whole-Genome Sequencing Breaks the Cost Barrier

Laura Bonetta*

*Laura Bonetta is a freelance writer. she has written news and feature article in many top journals (

hmm.. It was originally planed to summarize this article.. but I think there is nothing new.
the author introduced some research which is related to elucidation on causes of mendelian disease. Richard Gibbs of the Baylor College of Mdeicine in Texas sequenced the whole genome of his colleague who is suffering Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease ( He narrowed down the candidate genetic variations and confirmed that variations through identification from his colleague's siblings.
And the other research is exome sequencing of 500 genes that predispose to several childhood diseases by Leroy Hood and David Galas at the Institute for systems Biology in Seatttle. It will be one of the first gene sequencing-based tests to come on the market. Galas are preparing to sequence 30 individuals over 4 generation to answer the question "What does the mutation rate depend on?".
last one is researching on various aspect (transcriptome, epigenome, genome data) of identical twins discordant for multiple sclerosis. Although the researcher couldn't find any significant result from the their work, I think It's helpful to see article for reference how they approached on mixing multi-dimensional data.
And the author pointed out the obstacle of present sequencing tech. I will omit this part. this is pretty obvious tale.
About complex Disease.. the author introduce two points of view. From failure of GWAS, someone believe(Richard Lifton at Yale Univ.) individually rare variants with relatively large effects will play a substantial role on complex diseases or traits, while Kari Stefansson, president of the Icelandic company DeCode Genomics, think rare confluence of variants rather than just individual rare variants giving large effects. Well.. I think any opinion is not always right. That's biology and that's the reason for taking much time to solve biological system as you know.

It is sure that already the most research are using whole genome sequencing data or sort of that. The price of whole genome sequencing is gonna plummet, and the sequencing data will overflow. Preparing is needed to survive (Actually I don't like use the expression 'survive', because that sounds against one's will).