While I handle NGS data of microbe like Zymomonas and Paenilbacillus, because of name of microbes, I got a thought to study classification of livings. As you know, like our name, they also have last name and middle and first (maybe this is stupid comparison). I thought that if I can know which last name is in long name of microbe and where they belong through that name, that will be very helpful to me to understand more concretely or feel more intimately with them. Being familiar is really important to do something with, right? So start!
- Biological classification -
Biological classification is a form of scientific taxonomy(<->folk taxonomy ; bugs, ducks). 7 ranks are defined by international nomenclature codes.
Carolus Linnaeus's work is a being base of modern classification. What I understand in wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_classification) is only that he shorten the name of living.
Since the 1960s, based on Darwinian principle which believe every species have come from common ancestor, cladistic taxonomy has emerged. This arrange taxon based on phylogenetic tree. This will be posted.
So , I found another webpage for bacterial taxonomy and I think this will be more helpful in practical to me (http://www.microbiologybytes.com/iandi/3a.html).
- Bacteria-Basic Facts -
What are bacteria? lack of organelles, no nucleus, circular DNA chromosome, maybe cell surface is the most complex region.
Gram stain appearances of medically important bacteria
Gram strain (purple) have been used to dye bacteria for identification by microscope. If bacteria only have cell wall made by peptideglycan, it keep the purple color(gram positive). But the bacteria which have extra cell membrane composed of phospholipid lose the purple color(gram negative). In that case, red dye is used for dyeing.
This site is focused on bacteria of medical importance and the information for naming of bacteria isn't sufficient.
Therefore, I found the other web-site (http://www.bacterio.cict.fr/classification.html). I think this will be last destination.
- Classification, taxonomy and systematics of prokaryotes (bacteria) -
- Additional information -
Strain, clone and species : comments on three basic concepts of bacteriology (http://jmm.sgmjournals.org/cgi/reprint/49/5/397.pdf)